WREGA is a non-profit, non-political organisation with the objective of encouraging professional practice and promoting design excellence in commerce, trade, industry and education, locally and internationally. It is the only official authority on graphic design in Malaysia. The members are comprised of practicing professionals, academicians, and industry partners in graphic design. WREGA is recognised by Ico-D (International Council of Design), a non-governmental, non-political professional body with consultative status with UNESCO, UNIDO and WIPO. For more information about WREGA, check out http://www.wrega.org
This year, they will host their annual meeting at Taylor’s University on April 20, from 9:30 to 11:30 with three dynamic speakers who will show and discuss their work— a digital artist/architect, a designer of exclusive wiring art pieces and wearable accessories, and a designer who works in innovative ways to replace the old and boring traditional displays with refreshing and exciting directions.

They encourage anyone interested in design and design thinking to come and enjoy the speakers who come from various areas of design in Malaysia. Admission is only RM5 for non-members.
For more information on the event, click here.