Vinod Nair
Vinod J. Nair is a Senior Lecturer at The Design School, Taylor’s University, Malaysia. He is an educator, designer and photographer that has plied his trade in the industries of Mumbai, India and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has over 20+ years of experience in teaching and learning. His interest are wide ranging and they involve type design, heraldry, general history and politics. He is often in conflict with the status quo and his projects are not only an outlet, but also an avenue to showcase his design solutions — these days they tend to relate to government agencies. Opinions expressed here are solely his own and do not represent the views or opinions of his employer or this site.

Form and Movement in Publishing Design

An Anatomy of The Anatomy Series

Thinking About Thinking: The Eportfolio

Contemplating the Nature of Change in Institutions of Learning

The Forgotten Stencil Typeface

Should Not The Aim Of Life, Be An Aim In Education?

Should Creative Disciplines Be Evaluated Differently in Universities?